Benefits of WPS membership
The Welsh Pain Society is a multi disciplinary professional organisation which aims to reduce the burden of pain in Wales. ​The society
Promotes excellence and equality in clinical services in Wales.
Influences policies relevant to pain.
Promotes research in pain management.
Encourages and supports education and training for healthcare
Increases awareness of the prevalence of pain in Wales.
Contributes to the national and international pain agenda
Being a member of the only multidisciplinary society of specialist pain management healthcare professionals, in Wales, helps being a part of a larger group of clinicians interested in promoting excellence within our areas of work. Most members acknowledge that the WPS helps with the following
Supporting their educational requirement
Shared learning from regional experience/ expertise
Representing their views- route to Senedd regarding issues related to pain in Wales
Supporting quality improvement and research
The Welsh Pain Society organises annual scientific meetings which members can register for at discounted rates (usually equivalent to their yearly subscription).
Indeed like all specialist societies the Welsh Pain Society relies on regular ongoing support and participation from its members to deliver its objectives. We thank our current members for their ongoing support.
If you would like to join the WPS, click the link below to download the form for joining details.